Dates, Nuts, Seeds, Energy Bars

100% Natural Energy Bar
100% Natural Energy Bar

Energy bars - 75gm

Our Energy bars are 100% Natural. Ingredients include dates, nuts, and Turmeric. Available for Online delivery and across our Stores in Singapore.

organic black ajwa dates 300gm in singapore
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Black Ajwa dates
organic black ajwa dates 600gm in Singapore
organic black ajwa dates 300gm in singapore
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Organic Black Ajwa Dates
Black Ajwa dates
organic black ajwa dates 600gm in Singapore

Organic Black Ajwa Dates

Now you can buy Ajwa dates online in Singapore. Known as the 'King of Dates', Ajwa dates are sweet, fleshy & sumptuously chewy! Among 600 varieties of dates, they are considered to be one of the most nutritious. A superfood in its own rights, the fruit is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
EGA Wellness Ajwa dates are Grade A, black, jumbo, organic dates!

Here are some reasons to consume this nutrition packed fruit daily!

  • High fiber content helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation
  • Rich source of antioxidants, boosts immunity, prevent signs of aging like wrinkles & improves memory.
  • It balances Vata due to is Snigdha (oily or unctuous) properties.
  • Mineral-rich! Calcium & Magnesium improve bone health
  • Has Kapha balancing properties and helps remove accumulated mucous during cough & cold
  • Promotes heart health, helps manage anemia, increases haemoglobin due to high Iron content
  • Ajwa dates are loaded with 23 Amino Acids and 14 Fatty Acids, it helps build proteins essential for bodily functions and repair. 
organic black dates with 23 amino acids from EGA Wellness India
EGA Wellness Organic Black dates have all the essential vitamins and other nutrients along with Magnesium, Potassium
organic black dates with 23 amino acids from EGA Wellness India
EGA Wellness Organic Black dates have all the essential vitamins and other nutrients along with Magnesium, Potassium

Organic Black Dates 500gms

Our Organic Black dates have all the essential vitamins and other nutrients along with Magnesium, Potassium, 15 types of salts and minerals, 14 types of fatty acids, 23 types of amino acids and large concentration of fibre.

Dates are one of the best natural sweeteners since they are high in antioxidants, fibres and minerals.

Organic Black raisins with seeds
Organic Black raisins with seeds
Organic Black raisins with seeds
Organic Black raisins with seeds

Organic Black Raisins with seeds - 300gms

These delicious and healthy black raisins with seeds offer a host of health benefits from reducing hair loss, detoxing impurities from the blood, reducing high blood pressure to helping prevent anaemia. They are a great addition to your diet as thy contain natural antioxidants and are a rich source of iron. As per Ayurveda, they are gentle nourishment and are especially pacifying to Vata dosha and 'apana vata', responsible for waste elimination. Pitta dosha also greatly benefits from this nutritious food, especially when raisins are soaked and consumed, helping support digestive and blood functions.   


- Good for skin

- Natural Iron Supplement 

- Blood purifier 

- Prevents hair thinning and greying hair 

- Prevents bad cholesterol

- Maintains blood pressure 

- Good for sleep

organic mamra almonds in singapore
organic mamra almonds in singapore by ega wellness
Organic Mamra Almonds Product Packaging - No plastic
health benefits of mamra almonds
organic mamra almonds with good fats
almonds are not nuts but seeds
best way to eat mamra almonds
almonds called vatama in ayurveda
organic mamra almonds in singapore
organic mamra almonds in singapore by ega wellness
Organic Mamra Almonds Product Packaging - No plastic
health benefits of mamra almonds
organic mamra almonds with good fats
almonds are not nuts but seeds
best way to eat mamra almonds
almonds called vatama in ayurveda

Organic Mamra Almonds

EGA Organic Mamra almonds are loaded with Nutrition and good fats. Almonds have enormous health benefits:

  • Almonds are known to enhance memory
  • Studies have shown that almonds increase vitality or ojas
  • Almonds are helpful in overcoming Vata imbalances like Neuralgia, Paralysis, Constipation, Bloating.
  • Almonds build Muscles and increase strength.

The best way to eat almonds is by soaking them overnight and peeling them in the morning before consumption. According to Ayurveda, eating almonds this way reduces pitta (heat) aggravation and makes them more digestible. Almonds are also called "Vatama" in Ayurveda, due to their sweet and warming quality, which reduces aggravated vata dosha.

buy organic indian bitter almonds in singapore
Indian Bitter Almonds Dry Fruits
Almonds 500 Gram
buy organic indian bitter almonds in singapore
Indian Bitter Almonds Dry Fruits
Almonds 500 Gram

Organic Indian Bitter Almonds Gurbandi -500 Gram

These Organic Almonds are Non GMO and sourced from Himalayan region. The almonds have a very high oil content as compared to the California almonds. Some pieces of almonds can taste slightly bitter which is beneficial for our body to eat. Helps with weight loss.

1 PACKET-500gms

Organic Sunflower seeds
Organic Sunflower seeds
Organic Sunflower seeds
Organic Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds 250gms

Sunflower seeds (technically the fruits of the flower!) are a healthy and tasty snacking option enriched with good fats, vitamins and minerals. As per Ayurveda, they help balance all three doshas and increase energy in the body.

BENEFITS of Sunflower Seeds:
• Lower inflammation and prevent chronic inflammatory diseases
• Have potent cardioprotective properties, boosting blood flow in arteries, clear blockages and reduce formation of plaque
• Aid in Diabetes management, due to low glycaemic index
• Help reduce bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol
• Treat constipation, by correcting aggravated Vata dosha
• Enhance immune responses
• Relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
• Help in weight loss




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